hi i have an object in my blueprint, and i’m ready to reference it
i looked in at least four or five different tangental thoughts of what that might be called
none of the keywords i was using seemed like unreal would use them honestly
real keywords though
so - how do i get at the guts of this object? the assumption would be that there is no knowledge of the contents
What class is your object? In what class are you trying to access it’s contents? What class is the variable, that holds the reference for your class (is it that specific class, or parent?).
Your question is really vague, it’s hard to understand, what you mean and what you want.
If I were to answer your question directly, then it would be: Left click drag from the blue colored pin and search for contents you need. You can also find it in the categories manually.
oh. ■■■■ it was late and i was thinking you had to have a break-out box to get at things.
but you’re right, going the blue wire route will list , apparently? everything in it
though it seems like its listing specific things and not everything, it has what i need.
the funny thing is though if you search for documentation on this you wont find a thing lol.
little bit past what i was going for but thanks. definitely will need that later so ill keep that in mind.
fyi its literally just a spotlight, and i am trying to get at the freakin numbers in it without using unreal’s brain-dead sliders, so i’m literally trying to do nothing other than make a new slider that works, for the same number(s)
hey - ok so the light attentuation is one that is pretty important so,
i think its on a range of like, oh yeh it seems like it really only goes to 1000
so if you drag their slider it looks! like its kinda set for 100
so you’re 10:1 on movements with the slider, so if you want aaaaaaaanything between 600 and 700
well you’re out of luck
youd have to set by hand, over and over and over and over and over
so here i have made a variable, to fix it, and i set it to only go 700-800 or something
now when i slide that slider, after its compiled, its based on 100 so it more or less works
(id go better than that honestly)
i just need to get the number in my variable “shortcut to the working slider” into the number that is already there for attenuation
yeh i thought id do a “set” and this would be easy, i was typing it up in the middle of doing it
oh yeh. theres no “set”. sigh.
i can drag my fix in, and it will set up the set box. but you cant drag attentuation in because its c++.
i tried to change the set box to attenuation but that just did some wiring or something
again, looking for documentation on how to set a variable and there is none.
im telling you man, no one has made a game with this system man, they did not document it at all.
and yeh theres 100,000 pages of documentation up there and half of them are wrong.
its called “not a (proper) job”
Also, at defaults the attenuation goes from 8-16384.
im telling you man, no one has made a
game with this system man, they did
not document it at all. and yeh theres
100,000 pages of documentation up
there and half of them are wrong. its
called “not a (proper) job”
yeh im going over this and the issue with the camera display screen, cut back to this because i found something.
SO - the answer i was looking to originally in this thread is “TYPE SET THEN THE STUFF AFTER IT YOU WANT”
no no its cool i needed people pointing at things to get to that, so yeh now i got to that (with your help).
literally just needed to know to type set space then variable names etc
OK so the problem now is , i can! do this in the imported c++ class, inside of unreal.
however, it requires a compile in order to update, so i can’t use the slider there.
im pretty sure im on to the solution, but i think im going to need to boost the slider into the actual game where its siting by the light icon, and then control it from there.
worst company ever, i dont think they even make games now i think they just repackage the exact same thing?
literally the 1 programmer they had died or something
ps i should probably stop talking about this now, because it does look like itll be something that can be sold on marketplace for $100, possibility of like, 20 sales i’d say
looks like about 3000 people into this maybe maybe, 300 actively, then like i dunno
then like no one made a game yet.
they dont get if you want to be a computer programmer you have to go to art school
the artist cant do it the programmer cant do it, you have to train to be a producer
production coordinator, as a second term
executive producer ultimately, the #1 artist tech
let me list again maybe we’re getting off subject, because the solution i was going to go into will not work in the end. it requires fixing the lights in-game, so that is a bust.
there is no documentation on the sliders in the panels in unreal engine (ive just been over everything they have in the area of their user interface but its all stabs to the left and right its not coordinated in any way, its more use-purpose oriented which is nothing that a general audience would be able to use. for example, it worked so well they dont even explain anything in the panels)
as i said, i did testing and the sliders are based on a scale of 0-100 so they slide at about 1.3 or something silly like that or .8 in the other way, but they do work if its just 100 numbers in a float. does this make you laugh this isnt a hidden joke?
i really have no choice other than to use the slider for 100 on a dataset of 1000, so i went into the spotlight object, which can only be done if you import it from c++ and set it up as a child of the original class. so my spotlight object is a child of the original spotlight and i can load the entire blueprint up and work directly in it.
OK so the problem now is , i can! do
this in the imported c++ class, inside
of unreal. however, it requires a
compile in order to update, so i can’t
use the slider there.
Haha. What, in the name of the old gaming gods, are you even talking about?! What is this nonsense?
oh, and ubisoft is your model right?
worst company ever, i dont think they
even make games now i think they just
repackage the exact same thing?
literally the 1 programmer they had
died or something
Their studios released / published 30+ games in the last 2 years and have 10 buns in the oven as of now. Why are you even mentioning this company; hope you’re not mixing up a game company with a game engine…
yeh i did the inception thing its still not working. i can access it in the outer panel, but the setup that i did in the event dialog, unless theres no events going because its not in game play. ffs.
is there an “on panel update” sigh i guess i have to look into that.
loading up a child class as a blueprint, results in the blueprint needing to be compiled so setting up a min/max slider inside the blueprint EDITOR, not the blueprint, do i need to be more specific when i explain? it does let you set up min max in the blueprint EDITOR. for a variable. so the slider inside the blueprint will work as you would want it. THIS IS RHETORICAL though and i dont think they realized it when they wrote it this way? maybe its for another purpose. you cant move the slider and get updates. so the slider accuracy is pointless in the blueprint editor. unless there is a way to re-substantiate the class? so im not longer dealing with the blueprint then the slider is in a detail panel somewhere? ******* inception level ■■■■ i can check a thing on that myself.
trying to get someone to point out where the right file is in the c++ code on answerhub is not likely to be succesful, at least not in the short term (2 hours)
going around the engine and setting up a HUD system so the lights can be modified by icons, is ultimately going to require it to be in-game configurations so that is not “op”
this is more or less where it is.
is this better? am i paying more attention to the fact that you are a real person and not a monkey that can auto process thoughts off of half finished sentences ?
i was just imitating everyone else i swear#
( no seriously im laughing here)
and yes, while im re-reading it, i need to put in a better zoomed screenshot of the slider inside the blueprint EDITOR. its just for variables its not for the internals