i’m tring to link a third party android sdk in my c++ project,the sdk document said:copy sdk’s .jar file to the “libs“ directory of Android project (like the following picture); but,i build my project by c++……where is Android directory …
sdk doc img:
thanks for you answer,it’s helpful !
No…it’s doesn’t work…i tried :
put “libmsc.so” into “Intermediate\Android\APK\jni” folder and “Engine\Build\Android\Java\jni” folder,
put"Msc.jar"into"Intermediate\Android\APK\libs"folder and "Engine\Build\Android\Java\libs"folder,
and add some code into "Engine\Build\Android\Java\jni\Android.mk"like "Keewon Seo "said in above link,i added:
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
but it’s can’t package success…
the error is:
/NVPACK/android-ndk-r10e/ndk-build.cmd failed with args APP_ABI=“armeabi-v7a " NDK_DEBUG=1”