Hi, I’m a game developer and trying my ways on Unreal. Im having issues with something that I assumed was supposed to be simple:
I have the following structure:
The blueprintComponent has a object reference variable of type . and call its methods inside it’s blueprint.
On the details page of the BlueprintComponent (on Level context, not My Blueprint context) I can see my variable there ( it’s defined as Instance Editable), but when I try to link it to the CppComponent I doesnt show any option, as if there was no instance of CppComponent on Level.
I’ve already trued changing UCLASS specifiers, but nothing helped.
I’m also aware of the GetOwner->GetComponentByClass inside the Blueprint context, but I’m trying to learn how to use object reference variable properly, without runtime methods like GetComponentByClass .
How do I link my already exposed variable to a given component of same type ?