How to keep the viewport FPS from dropping when the Unreal Engine is in an inactive window

I am having a problem with a significant drop in FPS in the viewport when the Unrel Engine is set to inactive window.
Is there any solution to this problem? :worried:

Windows 10 x64(Power plan: Ultimate Performance)
Unreal Engine 4.27.2


It’s in the editor settings somewhere. Something like “background performance” if I remember correctly.

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Hey @vs_studio!

You want to go to Edit → Editor Preferences → Performance → Use Less CPU when in Background and untick that box.

I hope the above provides the solution you need.


Thank you so much.
It was the answer I was looking for!

Thank you for your answer :smile:
You have helped me so much!

I’ve unticked that box but still inactive window drops frames in 5.2