How to invoke the FPrimitiveComponentPostPhysicsTickFunction


I decided to port my project to C++, because, blue print can get you so far, and I’m learning to love UE4!


I come across “FPrimitiveComponentPostPhysicsTickFunction” and ooh this seems interesting, is this where all the physics simulations goes? So my Pawn is a physics box, and I will ray cast from 4 points to make it hover. Will I put ray trace, add force, add torque, in this function?

Here is my implementation:

// Called when the game starts or when spawned
void AMyPawn::BeginPlay()
	//i am the server
	if (Role > ROLE_Authority)
		//if you are the server, then simulate physics
		PhysicsBoxPrimitive->SetSimulatePhysics = true;
	if (IsLocallyControlled)
		//if you are locally controlled, the server will spawn this for you, so you do it locally
		//and make sure have authority over your own hover car
		//this was client can move locally, and have server correct client every frame
		PhysicsBoxPrimitive->SetSimulatePhysics = true;
		//Tick function that calls UPrimitiveComponent::PostPhysicsTick - PhysicsBoxPrimitive inherits UPrimitiveComponent
		FPrimitiveComponentPostPhysicsTickFunction* FtickF;
		FtickF->Target = PhysicsBoxPrimitive;

		PhysicsBoxPrimitive->PostPhysicsTick(*FtickF, &AMyPawn::FixedUpdate);

void AMyPawn::FixedUpdate()
	//apply force every fixed frame

Maybe I’m wrong, and delusional. If I am please let me know.

But is this correct, VS says no, because of →

		PhysicsBoxPrimitive->PostPhysicsTick(*FtickF, &AMyPawn::FixedUpdate);

It’s been implemented wrong?

Please let me know,