How to interrupt latent functions in a behavior task? Setting a decorator to abort self doesn't work

I’m using “Move to Location or Actor” for my aerial movement AI. It appears I cannot interrupt this - decorators with self aborts don’t do anything, neither does “Immediately Stop Movement” in a tick event.

The internet and ChatGPT tell me decorators should work, but they don’t for me; the enemy (which I want to stop when it attains line of sight) just runs straight past me and to the next nav point, where its latent move function completes, then it finally reevaluates its behavior tree and decides to attack (after getting shot in the face 50 times).

What am I missing?

Can you show graph including the blocking MoveTo node, its parents, and the branches it is supposed to jump to ?

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Decorated on the left side it is better that they are activated and have the low priority abort. Logic never goes from right to left, it’s like a waterfall where left is up.
That decorator should wait for line of sight “set” and then abort the move.

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