How to inherit Wheeled Vehicle?

I’d like to create a subclass of PhysXVehicles/WheeledVehicle

I can see that the header is located at: Plugins/Runtime/PhysXVehicles/Source/PhysXVehicles/Public/WheeledVehicle.h

That’s why I am trying to include in my custom subclass using the following:

#include "../Plugins/Runtime/PhysXVehicles/Source/PhysXVehicles/Public/WheeledVehicle.h"

However the build fails with:
cannot open source file "WheeledVehicle.generated.h"

Any ideas how can create a custom subclass of WheeledVehicle? I’d like to reparent my Blueprint with that custom subclass in order to access some methods from other C++ components (I will define these methods in the subclass)

Try using the class wizard and add "PhysXVehicles" to PublicDependencyModuleNames in YourProjectName.Build.cs:

The following code is generated:

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "WheeledVehicle.h"
#include "MyWheeledVehicle.generated.h"

class FP_API AMyWheeledVehicle : public AWheeledVehicle


    #include "MyWheeledVehicle.h"