How to increase the falling speed of physics object?

I have a static mesh with physical material applied to it, i want to increase its falling speed in world for this, i am altering Density factor of physical material and even changing Mass Scale factor in blueprint (type pawn) made up from this mesh. But nothing is happening.

What should i do to increase the falling speed ?

Increase the gravity buddy! I’m posting this as a comment because I’m pretty sure you can change it in the project settings but I’m not 100% certain. Also there used to be (?) a hard cap on how fast an object can fall, I’m not sure if this has been removed yet or not.

Thanks a lot for the video :smiley:
Will check for the gravity setting :slight_smile:

Thanks to - just need to change Default Gravity Z (Edit > Project Setting > Physics).

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Wouldn’t changing the gravity affect ALL objects in the world? That doesn’t sound like what the OP wants. It sounds more like the OP (in real world physics terms) wants to reduce the air resistance of the object.

In real-world physics, the falling speed of an object is indepedant of its density. Thanks to Galielio for the proof:
Galileo’s Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment

However in practical cases, a heavier object will fall faster than a ligter object. But this is becuase of air friction and other things…which I dont think UE4 is considering. So inorder to make it fall faster, you must manually apply a force on it.
Add a ProjectileMoevement compoenent and set the gravity multiplier to a higer value.

agreed, I have the same problem… increasing mass scale etc seems to have NO effect. turning linear damping into -400 range gives me the speed i need, but then it bounces like crazy even though physics material (of both objects) has restitution value of 0.001.

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I realize this is an old post. Just thought I’d throw my 2 cents in just in case anyone else has a similar problem.

I wouldn’t change the gravity if you’re looking for earth-like conditions. Earth gravity is 9.80665 meters per second. The default setting in Project Settings/Physics of -980 (centimeters per second) for gravity is realistic. If things feel like they’re falling too slowly you would want to change the terminal velocity. Objects in the real world will fall at the same speed until they reach their terminal velocity.

I found UE4s default terminal velocity is set way too low and makes gravity feel floaty. I would play around with terminal velocity before I would change gravity or each objects’ mass. Change anything else and you’ll be creating a whole lot more work for yourself down the line.

In my game I set the terminal velocity to 7600. This would be similar to a skydiver pointing downward with his limbs pulled to his side. It should be good for most circumstances.

How does one set the terminal velocity?

Just kidding! I found it. (In the engine physics incase anyone is wondering)

Terminal velocity helps only on higher impuls value. For a ball fallin from an edge of a box it do nothing. I am making a first-persone basketball simulator, whith default gravity it feals like underwater basketball.

Set linear damping to negative value, makes body super bouncy tho :wink:

Yes! It was exactly that what I need. Thanks a lot!!!