How to increase ray-traced reflection distance/angle?

How can I increase reflection distance/angle with ray-traced reflections?

The cutoff for the reflection is not only about distance, but also about angle. The lower the angle are, the longer I can move away without loosing the reflection. But at a certain distance, it will, in the end, disappear. From top-down it disappears almost immediately.

  • Scale here is large, cube is about 50 meter long

  • I have checked r.RayTracing.Reflections.MaxRayDistance, which is set to -1. It does not appear to be this setting that limits the reflection.

  • (reflection from sky light seems to stick, but light from a directional light, rect light or similar will disappear)


After trying and failing loads of settings and commands, I got jackpot:

Default value is 16, goes up to 32.


This worked, thank you!

Using 5.2 preview 2, I suddenly also noticed that reflections disappeard from objects that is under a certain size.

After testing many thing, I managed to remedy this with following command:

r.RayTracing.Culling 2 (default is 3)

Also now, to increase distance I need to use:

r.RayTracing.Culling.Radius 1000000 (default I think was something like 30000)



Thank you so Much! All of you!

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