How to include and use UPlayMontageCallbackProxy::CreateProxyObjectForPlayMontage in C++?

I want to play my UAnimMontage via C++, and in particular, want to make use of the conveniences of UPlayMontageCallbackProxy.

Looks like in theory, I can use UPlayMontageCallbackProxy::CreateProxyObjectForPlayMontage, but anytime I use it, I just get linker errors:

0>YCharacterVaulting.cpp.obj: Error LNK2019 : unresolved external symbol "public: void __cdecl UPlayMontageCallbackProxy::PlayMontage(class USkeletalMeshComponent *,class UAnimMontage *,float,float,class FName)" (?PlayMontage@UPlayMontageCallbackProxy@@QEAAXPEAVUSkeletalMeshComponent@@PEAVUAnimMontage@@MMVFName@@@Z) referenced in function "public: void __cdecl UYCharacterVaulting::Traverse(void)" (?Traverse@UYCharacterVaulting@@QEAAXXZ)

I’ve already updated my Build.cs so that the module is included:

PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] {"AnimGraphRuntime", "MotionWarping"});

Any ideas on how I can fix the linker error? Thank you!

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PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[ ] { “AnimGraphRuntime” });