How to import texture with tranparancy?

I’m having problem with tis image (Which is transparent in center)

Problem is that when I import this image in UE4 transparent area becomes black like this

But I need it to be transparent so that i could drawit on the screen. Can you help me with this?

Hi Kano_Tanaka

Please try to import your texture as a power of 2 (512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048 etc) as this is the standard format used. Im not sure if ue4 supports none power of 2 textures but give this a go and let me know the result. Additionally try importing as a TGA true targa format.

The power of two image didn’t work to (the same result).
But TGA didn’t even import by the reason I don’t know.

Try selecting alpha from the view drop down. It doesn’t show the transparency by default (it is filled in with the surrounding color)

Alpha channel is empty, just white

Place the .png texture where you want it in your world and it should have the alpha automatically applied.

Based on my own experience, if you are using a .png format this is normal. The engine fills in the blank area for the texture during import process, but retains the alpha information (not as a separate channel as far as I know, try using .tga for that).

I am currently using TGA file format. Be sure to add the alpha channel into the original when you save it, not the mask. Then save it as a 32bit TGA. Then it comes in with its alpha for me at least.

So what I did was I took the original image (I used GIMP to do this) and I took the image I wanted to use, put a white background on it, and desaturated it. Then I messed with the levels to make the thing I wanted to have transparency around it completely black. I then inverted the colors and had a transparency map which I could then use in the opacity input on the material (once I had set the material to transparent)
(Make sure you mess with the shading model to get the right shading for your thing, for me I had to change it to subsurface profile as you can see on the bottom left under where I changed the blend mode to translucent)
Unfortunately, I was limited to uploading images, so just don’t forget, anything that shows as black on the image will be the transparent part. In the end, however, I never kept the original transparent into UE4

non-power-of-two texture dimensions are supported but will not compress as well as they could when you build the game, so they will take up more storage space in the final product and may not load as efficiently.

Remember when you use the TGA way, that you have to use two separate texture sample nodes in your Material, feeding one into the RGB and the other into the A.

setting blend mode for the material to translucent fixed it for me.