How to import custom mip maps?

Is there a way to import custom mip maps into unreal? The auto-generated maps are degrading to invisible at distance on vertical alphas (imagine black and white vertical stripes where the black is alpha). I could fix this with custom maps, but can’t figure out how to import them. Any other trouble-shooting suggestions would be appreciated.

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not related to importing mipmaps directly, but have you seen this:

You can import them when using a DDS file.

You can import custom mip maps using DDS. for 2D textures only ARGB8888 will work. In Photoshop using Nvidia plugin: File, save, select ARGB 32bpp | unsigned.

Trick if you want to draw something different on each mipmap:

  1. save your file as dds
  2. load back the DDS in Photoshop : File, Open, On the popup windows don’t forget to check load MIP maps
  3. you will then have a single image with all MIPs that can be edited in Photoshop.
  4. save as .DDS ARGB8888, check use existing MIP maps:All
  5. import in Unreal import your image using level of detail/mip map gen settings: LeaveExistingMips

Hello, how do you get the dds/mip map from ue4?

Hello, do you know where the LeaveExistingMips option is located in the 2020 Nvidia plugin version?

This dose not work, ue4 dosent import those files. More here:

As of exporting Gimp DDS plugin seams menagable. Also more resources:DDS texture tools - Nexus Mods Wiki

If you have any idea how to force unreal to import custom mipmaps for standard 2D texture please help.
Its like twelfth time I needed that and couldn’t do it and Im going quite mad.

This dose not work, ue4 dosent import those files. More here:

As of exporting Gimp DDS plugin seams menagable. Also more resources:DDS texture tools - Nexus Mods Wiki

If you have any idea how to force unreal to import custom mipmaps for standard 2D texture please help.
Its like twelfth time I needed that and couldn’t do it and Im going quite mad.

Works fine for me. My test setup:
GIMP 2.10.20
UE 5.1.1
Texture size: 16

Steps to test this:

  1. Create 16x16 solid color image in GIMP
  2. Save as DDS: No compression, auto-generate MIPS
  3. Open the DDS in GIMP and choose to read MIPS
  4. Change color of each MIP to another solid color
  5. Save as DDS: No compression, use existing MIPMAPS
  6. Drag-drop DDS into UE content drawer
  7. Open texture, note it should have defaulted to MipMapGenSettings = LeaveExistingMips … if not the case then may need to set this and re-import
  8. Change LOD bias upward to see your imported mips
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