After research I found many details about your bad texture image to fix the problem.
1: The image is 100% Sprite Sheet Sequencer
2: The Image has 3 Masks under one mask
3: The Image has BMP-HDR format created not with photoshop
4: The Image has an unknown-script for processing the sequences
5: The Image can’t be downgraded untill you don’t know in which soft it was created
6: The Image has some Photoshop data but this is not a guarantee it was saved with photoshop
7: It was rendered by a special plugin under the engine for correct use
Now the converted Image should work fo you, I created a shadow copy from the text data located in teh image, it is a 98% closer copy of the original image you provided.
TT-IBM-AssemblyConverter-IMGBMP.bmp (16.0 MB)
Hope it will help, cheers!