How to Import a RGB Image Properly

What is the best practice to import rgb images ?

Im Making assets for my Assetpack. So I want my assets to look as good as possible but
My İmages look desaturated and lose some of the color information. No matter what i do they looks different if I save it as png.
The only ‘‘fix’’ for know is converting it to 8 bit image ->playing with the hue saturation and eyeballing the colors → save as tga.
I Photographed them at 16 bit raw And I have alots of image to process. so What is the best practice to import rgb images to ue4 ?

as you can see its desaturated. I cant get the colors back! even with Photoshop filters. I hope The image wont get compressed so you can see the color difference.

This is the tga version/solution that I mentioned above. here the saturation looks ok-ish but now the red colors of the leaf vein is gone

There are HDR compression settings in the details panel


This should provide a 16 bit depth for each Channel.

But there are some discussions about color displaying since they switched to a new color scheme for more realistic recreation of colors (I don’t know much about it)

By the way: you should add an extra alpha channel and save it as TGA with 32bit from photoshop. This way you can avoid getting this dark edge that PNG is creating in Unreal. PNG really has no Alpha Channel, it’s just an extra color that is declared as transparent and Unreal doesn’t put it out like from an image with real alpha channel. Also you may have seen some textures in Engine Content strech out from the pixels on the alpha channel covers, that gets important on Mipmapping, when low resolutions can’t be that exact with the alpha. [][2]

Thanks for the reply,
with HDR selected it got even more desaturated. It never gets the same result as the original one. Maybe 16 bit is overkill for UE4… Isnt there atleast an otomated process to properly convert 16 bit PNGs to 8 bit TGAs

And thanks for the tip.
I do it with the 8 bit versions of my images.

If someone is having the same problem follow This steps:

  • Open your .raw file in Photoshop
  • Go to edit-> convert to profile → destination space → Profile
  • Select IEC sRGB61966-2.1

now you are working in the correct colorspace for UE4

for jpeg: tick ICC profile: sRGB61966-2.1 and save

for tga: just save the file as tga.


sRGB iec 1966x sth color profile should be checked only for diffuse/albedo maps. For everything else (specular, gloss, metallic, roughness, ao, height etc) it should be unchecked. Normal & bump maps are automatically treated as non-sRGB. We have to set it manually for the others. As such they will be treated as linear colorspace (gamma uncorrected).