How to implement OnBrowserDialogue event

Hello, I just started messing with the SWebBrowser provided in unreal engine, and I have the need to implement a way to read the text from an alert that occurs in the web browser. I can see from the documentation (IWebBrowserDialog | Unreal Engine Documentation) That there is a way to listen for a dialogue box popup, and retrieve the text from it. My issue is it mentions using the OnBrowserDialogue event, but I don’t understand how to implement this event in C++. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hello! If you are trying to create Slate event, then you can take a look at FOnClicked event and SButton that is using it.

I have the slate event created. I am trying to handle the alert popup that is generated from an instance of SWebBrowser. I need to access the continue function defined in IWebBrowserDialog