EOS is not for replication - it is for lobby stuff like session, number of players online, scores etc.
The life is easier if you spend a bit on marketplace - I purchased ‘eoscore’ and now, all functions are available as blueprint nodes.
No I’m using eos but i had hard time implementing it into my project because i don’t know c++ and the there was no useful blueprint nodes to use.
so to fix that i found a plugin that gives you the the blueprint nodes required to use eos in your project.
I found it in a YouTube channel called maygames
I don’t know if Im allowed to share the link?
Hi, there,
Thank you for sharing your notes. Yes, you can share YT links, but I’ll take a look at that mentioned channel.
It would be great if you make a final comment with a summary of what steps you did and mark this post as “resolved”, so other users can benefit from your solution.
Thank you.
but there were some things that he dropped out in the video like how to set up a proper product on the epic dev page and that the encryption key is a must (at least for me).
for the first problem you can use that video (setup a product in the epic dev portal):
and for the second problem, I simply used a 64 hexadecimal number generator and used that number. (However, most people say that the encryption key is not important for testing purposes but I couldn’t log in to epic games without putting it )
and that’s about all I did if anyone has a problem I will be happy to help.
For getting list of sessions - you dont even need AdvancedSession - just use the stock findsessions node (if I am not mistaken).
To the previous post, you still need EOS library and specify as your Online xxx (dont remember). The original was null.