I want to simulate an area using UE4 for an application that allows users to define their destinations (routing discovery)… I want to now know how I can locate a user by helping the Wi - Fi network. Can I do this using UE4 or how do I do it? what is the capabilities of the unreal engine 4 can help me to do that ?.. please any help, note, or hint.
In recent versions of UE4 “Mobile Location Services” plugins appeared, but there only implementation from Android and iOS. They provide those extra nodes: Location | Unreal Engine Documentation
Note that those APIs use mixed methods (not just wi-fi) of getting geographical location (including from IP information) and that method used depends on OS and device capabilities as well as user settings of device, UE4 don’t provide APIs to control that, other then defining expected accuracy,you would need to some C++ coding for more control.
For other systems you need to do C++ programming to access there geo location apis or GPS apis, or use GeoIP services which determents location from IP address, since globally registered IP addreses ranges are usally used in specific regions, it gives accuracy of at least a country to a city and city district depending on how used ISP network is structured, but it might also return false information as IP may be used outside of there usual region as well can be easily spoofed by using VPNs and proxies. As those GeoIP services (or else you gonna carry geoip database with the game, which is huge) are hosted via HTTP, so you need to either use HTTP UE4 module in C++ or popular VaRest plugin for blueprints.
What if a small area؟ … I mean the whole area is covered by Wi-Fi … Not accross the world,only for that area. So, this app will not work outside that area