How to hide AI debugging and print strings in shipped build?


I was wondering if there is a way to disable the AI debugging button ’ for shipped builds? Or change the input key at least?


in “project - packing” do you have you build configuration set to “Shipping”?

I don’t get the console or debug commands then in the packed version (they are stripped away)

Hello! Thanks for the reply.

Yes it is set to shipping :slight_smile:

Forgot to mention I am also using 5.1

So I found out the problem/or a fix. From all the videoes I’ve watched on packaging, I’ve always been told to package projects using the dropdown menu here:

But from another post regarding print strings showing up in shipped builds, it was suggested to ship the project/package it via the project launcher (Tools → project launcher).

Only thing I cant find out is how to not overwrite the file everytime its shipped, since its getting rid of the save files, but aside from that, packing it though the project launcher got rid of the console and print strings!

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You are packing to another folder & not in your project folder thought, right?

yeah in a completely clean one!

When i was doing it from platform → windows → package project, the save folder wasnt removed and so wasnt the “movies” folder i have in its content folder.

Those are removed though when I do it via the project launcher. Im thinking there has to be a setting to only update and add new files and not fully overwrite everything, but Im not sure where that is/what its called