Hi Everybody,
Newbie here. So I’m trying to create a Niagara fountain emitter (or any emitter that will work) that emits meshes with a cloth simulation. For example, I’m trying to have pieces of paper raining down in my scene. So far when I choose a mesh emitter, whenever I can get a mesh/material to emit, it does not carry over any characteristics from my cloth simulation and the pieces of paper just appear as stiff meshes.
Thanks in advance for your time peeps!
You can use a particle emiter with cloth simulation!
in order to do that, you need to add the atribute of “Component render” under the render parameter.
After that, under the Component render menu, select “Skeletal mesh component” in the component type.
Under the Mesh menu, select the skeletal mesh you want to, in ths case, the paper sheet with cloth simulation.
and then, use the clothing menu to change the parameters for what you need
Hope this helps!
Wow thanks a lot! Super appreciated!!!