All you need to do is join the session, that loads the level. Look at the HUD code of the MultiplayerShootout example.
Hey all.
I have a blueprint game, and I have a server hosting a session, and a client joining that session. But the Server is already in game and in the level. How do I get the Client to open that map after it is joined?
I’ve tried many ways to try and do it; replicated, OnPostLogin, even manually having it load the same map after joining, and when it does the characters aren’t replicating. Some cases the PLAY button doesn’t do anything, other times the mouse cursor jumps between where the screens should be then the process just ends, and other times the Client just stays in the level I have the main menu in, even when I console command it to go to the desired level. And I can’t test “Stand Alone Game” with more than 1 player because it has an error where it can’t find the map that I want, even when 1 instance of the game works fine.
Well ignoring the error rant, any help would be appreciated!
is OnSuccess called? Is Session Result empty?
and since this is a GUI, I suggest you use “Get Owning Player” instead of get player controller.
I think you should see a log entry if it cannot find the map
OnSuccess is called and removes the widgets, I just tested an empty session result and crashed UE4, and I swapped to Get Owning Player, still won’t load the map. I think it might be something to do with it not being able to actually FIND the map I want it to get.
OK so the only error I found was Steam wasn’t loaded - then I remembered, I just updated UE4 and forgot to set up Steam DLLs. So now I can’t get Steam to work yay!
EDIT: Turns out when I used a GameMode and GameInstance I created it wouldn’t work, but switching them to the normal or someone elses GameMode and GameInstance it worked - I’m assuming when creating a new version of those blueprints it was missing some code or something.