I’m working on a project of 10m tall statue. I have pretty good terestrial laser scan, and in addition photos from drone (with RTK). When I try to reconstruct only with laser scans, model is nice and smooth. When I add photos from drone, to add detail on upper parts which where not scanned with laser, whole model becomes more noisy. It is possible to somehow prioritize laser scans so majority of model topology is sourced from laser data and only missing parts are done by less precise photos?
Hi DroneVision,
in cases like this you can set lower value for Default grouping factor in the Reconstruction Advanced Settings:
This should get the higher priority for laser scans in opposite to images.
Default grouping factor is used when you have in the dataset laser scans and also images. When you want to decline the influence of the images on some parts of the model, then you will set higher value there.