how to get variable from another blueprint

  • where is the blueprint with the variable?
  • where is the blueprint that needs to access the above?
  • what is the scenario - what’s happening from the player’s perspective?
  • what are those blueprints - just regular actors or something more special like the Pawn or the Game Mode

There is not enough information in your question to answer it. Best I can do is to give you a generic:

“reference the actor” or “get actor of class”

A good 25% of all AH questions are about comms, this link should be stickied to the top of the page, tbh.

please help me out for example created one blue print name “unreal force” in that created one variable name of “unreal”

i wan this variable " set are get “unreal” another new blue print “eventGraph”

sorry for just posting a link but the doc explain it well - please make your way through the documentation