How to get UAimBlueprintGeneratedClass?

Hello there. I have a problem and I haven’t found a solution anywhere for it.

I’m currently trying to change a character’s mesh and animation BP at runtime and I have this:

UPROPERTY(...) UAnimBlueprintGeneratedClass * m_secondaryRascalAnimClass;


This sets the secondary mesh properly and it’s AnimBP (introduced from editor into this UAnimBlueprintGeneratedClass *).

This works like a charm but, my problem is:

I need to store the primary animBP and mesh, so I can get back to them eventually. When I try to store an UAnimBlueprintGeneratedClass, in order to call SetAnimInstanceClass() again, I can’t get it.

m_primaryRascalAnimClass = GetMOwner()->GetMesh()->AnimBlueprintGeneratedClass;

That is returning null, both in an Init() method and in Tick()… While I’m debugging I clearly see that the class is the AnimBP I want to get, but it’s of type UAnimInstance * and SetAnimInstanceClass() doesn’t accept that, so I need an UAnimBlueprintGeneratedClass *, as I use for the secondary.

Does someone know how I can get this?

Thanks in advance!