How to get the two cameras of VR render (eye right and left) - Blueprint - UE5

Hi !
I try to get the two cameras of VR helmet. I would like apply a post process on only one camera (example: just the right eye)

The camera manager of player controller have a node to get location et rotation of camera. But cannot get the component camera…

Also on the player i have only just one camera component, same in runtime.

Have you an idea to make it ?
Thanks verry much to you answers

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There are no separate camera instances for the eyes. Everything is handled by a single camera object.

While there is no way of assigning postprocess effects to an individual eye, if you implement the effect in a postprocess material, you can toggle the effect based on which eye is rendering. To do it you will need to add a custom node, put this code inside it and set the output to a float1.

return ResolvedView.StereoPassIndex;

Then use the output to drive a If or Lerp node.


Oh nice ! Thanks you verry much !

But i don’t understand… Unreal use just one camera ? But we have good perspective…
Steam Vr add a new render camera ?
Or just Unreal modify and deform ther render to match of the VR helmet ? (but VR is known for bad performances due it’s two render)

It still renders two separate views for VR. The camera component is just abstracted into a single object that provides the view matrix for the current eye depending on which view is being rendered.

Ok I see it,
Thanks you for your answers !