How to get the left hand on the hilt of the sword? (Look video)

Hello everyone, I was hoping to get some help with getting the left hand on the hilt of the sword, the weapon is attached on a socket on the right hand and the rotation and position in adjusted to the idle animation, so that one is perfect (I know the right wrist is twisted but that is fixed (Old Video), so the only issue I have now is the left hand being of the hilt when doing a actual animation, not being idle)
So I was thinking about adding a socket to the weapon, set it more to the end of the hilt, where the left hand is supposed to be, get the location of that socket and set is as variable and then in the anim blueprint get a Two bone IK (With the bone Hand_L) and set the effector location to the socket location, but I cant get it to work, my code is probably wrong or maybe I am doing it the wrong way anyway. So any help is appreciated, i really hope to fix this.
Thanks :slight_smile: Ue5 greatsword - YouTube

Hi there,
You’ll won’t be able to see the effect of a “Hand IK” logic inside the animation sequence editor, so try to visualize it in the Animation Blueprint. Just add this animation sequence at the left side of you anim graph and replace the animation state. Playing the animation should give you the results you’ll get while in runtime.

Or you can edit the skeletal mesh editor, asset details panel, and add this animation blueprint as a post process animation blueprint. It might work, then go back to the animation sequence editor and check if is working.

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Hey thanks for the suggestion, when I look in the anim blueprint it looks like this : IK Issue - YouTube (first animation is without the ik since the aplha is 0 so does not do anything, and the second animation is with the ik since alpha is on 1) But as you can see is not good. Maybe some good information to add: the sword is a static mesh with a socket made in the socket manager.

It seems like the variable of the socket location does not work, or works wrong. Any idea why?

Hi there,

Thank you for sharing this info. Actually, the socket must be placed in the character’s skeleton, not in the weapon itself. Let me try to find a good reference for you.

How To Add Weapon to Character in Unreal Engine 5 Quick Tutorial - YouTube

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Hey thanks for the reply, I think there is a miss understandig, the weapon is attached to the right hand of my character, but since its a 2 handed weapon animation, i need the left hand to connect with the weapon hilt aswell.

So the weapon it self is attached to a socket on the right hand of my character skeleton, and then inside the weapon static mesh a second socket where i want the left hand to be

Yes, I know. Don’t worry. That video shows only how to setup the right hand, I am still looking for a good reference for you for the left-hand IK.

Ah okay my bad thought we were thinking of different things, but is it the right way to do? With the Two bone IK node and trying to connect to with the location of the hilt?

If I am not wrong, you can use either Two Bone IK or Fabrik. I’ve have seen also a combination of both.

Yeah so it should be possible, only I cant find any tutorial or info on this for a 2 handed sword, only for guns but those animations are mostly way easier to fix a misplaced hand than the animation(s) i am doing it for

This video uses FABRIK, perhaps it will help you.
Weapon attachment & Snapping left hand to weapon - Part 08 - UE4 True FPS Tutorial Series - YouTube

Most of the videos are either without voice over, or part of an advanced series. Let me know if that works for you.

Hey thanks will check it out, but now my project keeps on crashing and no idea why, few hours ago it worked fine and now i cant get in it :confused:

It happens. Try to remember the last file you were working on before crashing, and go to project/autosaves/game, and search the earliest version right before the crash. Then close your project, and you can replace the file at the exact same location and name.

Thanks, thought it was all gone, so this only sets back the progress from that 1 file right?

It was the anim blueprint so I had to try 6 auto saves, from most recent to older, the most recent ones I could open the project but not the anim blueprint (Same crash)

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Sadly this one did not work either, it now snaps to the right hand, and when I change effector target to left hand, there is no change at all

The whole SnapToLeftHand function does not do anything, the fabrik just snaps it to a other bone of my character, not from the weapon.
Tutorial used effector target Hand_R but than it just snaps to the right hand, and when I choose Hand_L, it changes nothing about the hand location at all.
Why cant I just set the effector target to the weapon bone/socket?

Hi there,
Don’t give up yet.
In your video at time 00:14, get your left hand Transform and break transform in both sides, variable and FABRIK. Get the Location and add a + vector. From there, you can find the value of a “location offset” and adjust the left hand position to your needs. Same applies to Rotation, add a “Delta Rotator” and adjust a “rotation offset” if needed.

I found video that uses Two Bone IK, and the adjustment is done manually using the Anim BP:
UE4: TUTORIAL #12 | Hand IK to hold weapon [Part 1] (Third person shooter) - YouTube
UE4: TUTORIAL #13 | Hand IK to hold weapon [Part 2] (Third person shooter) - YouTube

Hey thanks for that suggestion, It is much better now, but as you see I still have some issues.

Question 1: How can I make it so I can adjust the left hand for each animation? As you see for idle I have a different adjustment than for a attack (I assume each animation needs a specific adjustment I did not test them all but the ones I did needed).

Question 2: Can I makethe adjusment only apply during a specific part of the animation?
For example the attack animation I showed in the video, in the beginning of the animation I is not supposed to be on the weapon, only some time in the animation, any way to do that?

Start Animation - YouTube (The animation start forgot to show it in the other video)

Hi there,

Great to see you’re moving forward.

I believe you can use a combination of “animation notify” (single event - Question #1) and “animation notify state” (Start and End time - Question #2)

WTF Is? Anim Notify in Unreal Engine 4 ( UE4 ) - YouTube

WTF Is? Anim Notify State in Unreal Engine 4 ( UE4 ) - YouTube

Hey thanks, thats looks good, but I dont know how to get the data from the FABRIK node to the animation notify (state), how would I get that from the anim blueprint to the animation notify (state)?

Hi there,
Is the contrary. Notifies are used to trigger starts or start/end events to the anim graph. In your case, for a given animation, you can send this:
Notify Starts = FABRIK Alpha = 1 (Enabled)
Notify End = FABRIK Alpha = 0 (Disabled) (or some of the rotation and location values changed)

To do that, you need to convert FABRIK alpha to a variable and go from there.

You can add notify tracks and have multiples anim notifies in a single animation.

Just as a side note, most of these animation packs look good as a starting point, but it might be necessary to learning how to edit some animations with sequencer.

Hope those videos will help you.