So GetWorld() can be called in C++ for any UObject, but is there an equivalent in blueprint? I have some functions which take the world as an argument that I need to use but I can’t find a way to get a reference to it.
It’s a static function i wrote in C++ that needs the world
Generally, what is done is too pass a Uobject* as a first parameter named “WorldContextObject”, from which you can do “Getworld”. You can improve your flow in blueprints to pass automatically this Uobject, by doing :
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (WorldContext=“WorldContextObject”))
static void MyFunction(UObject* WorldContextObject,…)
This is what is used from most of blueprint libraries in UE4. See GameplayStatics.h or KismetSystemLibrary.h for more examples.
Dude, thanks a lot!
This fundamentally doesn’t answer the question “How to get the current world from a blueprint.” I don’t want to pass in a world context object into a C++ function - I want to read the current world in blueprints and call GetOwner()->GetWorld() from within a blueprint graph. So that I can do Blueprint logic based on which world my current object is based on what world it’s currently being called from. This answer is not actually a solution.
There is a “get current level name” node you can call. Not sure if that would help at all
The WorldContext and the GetWorld function aren’t exposed to the Blueprint as Epic intend to keep the blueprints easy, focused on gameplay and could easily lead to performance problems if used in Tick.
You can access your WorldContext by creating the BlueprintCallable method in C++.
I personally chose to implement it in my gamemode class.