How to get the AnimInstance/SkelMesh in a custom animation blueprint?

I try to make a Animation blueprint. I kinda copy/followed this article
But I can’t get the AnimInstance. I keep getting the error 'AnimInstance': is not a member of 'FAnimationInitializeContext'

In the header file of FAnimationInitializeContext is indeed no AnimInstance member. But how can I get the SkelmeshComponent? and The Actor? All examples I found online are also doing it this way. When I remove ‘Context.AnimInstance’ everything is working.

Is there more recent documentation? Or does anyone know the answer? Or a example code?
#pragma once
#include “AnimGraphNode_Base.h”
#include “AnimGraphNode_SkeletalControlBase.h”
#include “PA_AnimNode_WhipTarget.generated.h”

struct FPA_AnimNode_WhipTarget : public FAnimNode_Base

		//FPoseLink - this can be any combination 
		//of other nodes, not just animation sequences
		//	so you could have an blend space leading into 
		//a layer blend per bone to just use the arm
		//	and then pass that into the PoseLink

		/** Base Pose - This Can Be Entire Anim Graph Up To This Point, or Any Combination of Other Nodes*/
		UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Links)
		FPoseLink BasePose;

	/** Other Pose! - This Can Be Entire Anim Graph Up To This Point, or Any Combination of Other Nodes */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Links)
		FPoseLink OtherPose;

	/** Sample Property That Will Show Up as a Pin */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Links, meta = (PinShownByDefault))
		float SampleFloat;

	// FAnimNode_Base interface

	// FAnimNode_Base interface
	virtual void Initialize(const FAnimationInitializeContext& Context) override;
	virtual void CacheBones(const FAnimationCacheBonesContext & Context) override;
	virtual void Update(const FAnimationUpdateContext & Context) override;
	virtual void Evaluate(FPoseContext& Output) override;
	// End of FAnimNode_Base interface

	// Constructor 


	bool WorldIsGame;
	AActor* OwningActor;


#include "Marigold.h"
#include "PA_AnimNode_WhipTarget.h"

	: FAnimNode_Base()
	, SampleFloat(128.333)
	WorldIsGame = false;

void FPA_AnimNode_WhipTarget::Initialize(const FAnimationInitializeContext & Context)
	//Init the Inputs

	//Get the Actor Owner
	//Error: 'AnimInstance': is not a member of 'FAnimationInitializeContext'
	OwningActor = Context.AnimInstance->GetSkelMeshComponent()->GetOwner();

	//Editor or Game?
	//Error: 'AnimInstance': is not a member of 'FAnimationInitializeContext'
	UWorld * TheWorld = Context.AnimInstance->GetWorld();
	if (!TheWorld) return;

	WorldIsGame = (TheWorld->WorldType == EWorldType::Game);

void FPA_AnimNode_WhipTarget::CacheBones(const FAnimationCacheBonesContext & Context)
void FPA_AnimNode_WhipTarget::Update(const FAnimationUpdateContext & Context)
	// Evaluate Graph, see AnimNode_Base, AnimNodeBase.h

	//Editor mode? just use the base pose
	if (!WorldIsGame)
		//if your node depends on 
		//actual actor instance, can't do anything in editor

	//Actually in Game so the Owner Instance Should Exist
		//Try Again if not found
		//Error: 'AnimInstance': is not a member of 'FAnimationInitializeContext'
		if (!OwningActor) OwningActor =

		//Not found
		if (!OwningActor)
			UE_LOG(LogAnimation, Warning,
				TEXT("FAnimNode_NameOfYourNode::Update() Owning Actor was not found"));



void FPA_AnimNode_WhipTarget::Evaluate(FPoseContext & Output)
	// Return Base Pose, Un Modified 



Although this question is already two years ago,
I learn Animation Node use C++ recently .

Some trouble here is when I am searching in UE4 ANSWERHUB that there has many question but no answers.

I will provide my answer and hope that the next one can get some help.

My Product Version: UE 4.21

  1. add header #include "Animation/AnimInstanceProxy.h"
  2. use OwningActor = Context.AnimInstanceProxy->GetSkelMeshComponent()->GetOwner();

You can look some example from this link.