How to get IPlatformInputDeviceMapper?

I changed from version 5.0 to 5.1 and now i get this “Warning: C4996 ‘FCoreDelegates::OnControllerConnectionChange’: OnControllerConnectionChange, use IPlatformInputDeviceMapper::GetOnInputDeviceConnectionChange()” and i have no idea how to get this IPlatformInputDeviceMapper.

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Same problem for me :sweat_smile:

IPlatformInputDeviceMapper::Get() would work.
ex) ((IPlatformInputDeviceMapper::Get()).GetOnInputDeviceConnectionChange()).AddRaw(this, &YOURFUNCTION);

You should

  1. add PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { “ApplicationCore” }); in your module (
  2. include “GenericPlatform/GenericPlatformInputDeviceMapper.h”

Thanks so much! This worked well for me. Note also the signature changed a bit but it’s not hard to figure out. bools change to enums and the controller and player ids/indices change to structs with member functions.

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I ran into this issue today.

To expand on this a bit more, add this to your header file:

		void OnControllerChanged(EInputDeviceConnectionState connectionState, FPlatformUserId userID, FInputDeviceId inputDeviceID);

Connect to the delegate:

void SOMEFILE::BeginPlay()

IPlatformInputDeviceMapper::Get().GetOnInputDeviceConnectionChange().AddUObject(this, &SOMEFILE::OnControllerChanged);	

Function that gets called:

void SOMEFILE::OnControllerChanged(EInputDeviceConnectionState connectionState, FPlatformUserId userID, FInputDeviceId inputDeviceID)
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Controller changed!"));

	if (connectionState == EInputDeviceConnectionState::Disconnected)
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Controller disconnected!"));

Thank you.

thank you, i had logic writen already, just didn’t know where to bind it in new version.

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