I’m having issue with illuminating my scene with sky light.
On a screenshot below, light is baked with static skylight and stationary directional light. Directional light gives nice baked shadows, including shadows from light bounces. However, as you can see, there is also a lot of “noise” around it - it’s what I get from baking skylight.
I want to achieve a smooth “glow” effect around the place where directional light hits the room. But no matter what settings to I use for lightmass, my skylight shadows are dreadful!
Is there a trick for illuminating scenes with skylight correctly?
I do have portals and lightmass importance volume.
I did not turn off the compression, but I’ll try it next.
I tried to to bake only skylight, without direct light source, to test the results. And it gives this nasty noise where its most intense light hits the surface. Indirect shadows are good, however.
The entire scene looks great, except for those parts where sunlight from skylight hits surfaces.
If I turn off sky light, and bake only directional light. then all the direct shadows AND indirect shadows are good. But the scene is not lit properly w/o skylight.
I would raise the lightmap resolution of the bed.
Turn off compression on your lightmaps…
…and would raise indirect lighting quality to 4-10!
Are you using a HDRI cubemap? Do you have portal(s) in your opening(s)? …lightmass importance volume?
Do you have any emissive light in the scene?
What is the number of Skylight bounces? …yeah those usually come with skylight…
Also… any 2 sided materials?
What is your Skylight intensity? …any extra turned on like higher illumination than the default 1?
…for a reason you don’t get enough samples that’s why the spots… are these production bakes?
Skylight intensity is set to 3. Skylight indirect lighting intensity 5. I tried baking skylight with intensity 1, but it’s still the same, except everything is darker.
This is medium bakes. I tried production bakes, but it’s not much different - skylight still messed up.
Yes those are familiar… seen them a LOT! :S But with those settings you shouldn’t have had them…
…would you mind sharing any of your scene (privately)? Would be easier for me than just guessing!
I turned sun brightness on sky sphere from 50 to 300, because I wanted to get the smooth glow of the sun disk, instead of it being just a white circle in the sky.
And because of that, skylight went crazy, and made that terrible shadow noise everywhere.
I thought sun brightness on sky sphere was purely cosmetic. But I misunderstood how skylight component works.
After I set sun brightness back to 50, my scene is lit correctly. However, now I can’t make the sun to be “glowing”. If I crank up bloom in post process, it messes up reflections so badly that they become blinding, filling the entire screen with white. And I can’t increase sun brightness on sky shpere either, as it turns out.