How to get client to remove Instance mesh

I’ve made Minecraft like terrain using instance meshes but I can’t get the client to remove them I’ve tried using the run on the server but it didn’t work for the server its using multicast witch works for the server but not when the client removes an instance mesh so how would I get the client to get the server to remove an instance mesh?

Hi, the only client that can call RPCs (like run on server) in an actor is the client that owns the actor. So you can either dynamically change the owner of that actor on the server (using “set owner”), or call the RPC to remove the instance from an actor that the client owns (the controller blueprint, the controlled pawn, …)

What does the player do in the game to remove the instance?

Ok got it in the line trace I also had to get the type of actor in the call on server and then it triggered the multicast that worked.