How to get Blueprint Event “PullTrigger” to c++?
I want to call “PullTrigger” by mouse Clicked.
Is there another way?
I apologize for poor English.
How to get Blueprint Event “PullTrigger” to c++?
I want to call “PullTrigger” by mouse Clicked.
Is there another way?
I apologize for poor English.
The easiest way is to create a C++ base class with a UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent). Then you can access it in C++ but implement it in the blueprint child class.
If you just want to fire it by mouse clicking, you can do that in blueprints as well.
This should work, if you want to use it in any blueprint apart from player character.
In the player, you don’t have to enable input.
How to connect?..like this?