Is there a way to get an image from a URL (, and then set that for a Image
inside a Widget
If this can’t be done in Blueprint, it is not really a problem if it has to be done in C++.
I know that there is a Web Browser
for Widgets
and you can technically simply load that URL, but that has some problems with rendering if it is placed in the world, and also, it will use a lot more DRAM and maybe even VRAM.
Unreal Engine 5 has a built in function to download images, DownloadImage
which takes an URL as input and has “Success” and “Fail” execution, and returns a Texture 2D Dynamic
which you can then set it as brush Image input.
Maybe you haven’t found it because it is asynchronous function, which mean you can not use it inside a function so if you were searching for it inside a function it will not appear. You can use it in an event or macro.
The function is asynchronous due to the way interacting with a website works.
Thank you! Yeah, I only tried inside a function to look for one. It works great!