How to get all morph target names from mesh?


Is it possible to get array with morph target names from characters mesh?

Code examples are welcome…

Thank you!


TArray<FString> APeopleCharacterNative::GetCharacterMorphs() {
	TArray<FString> outputArray;

	USkeletalMeshComponent* mesh = GetMesh();
	USkeletalMesh * skelMesh = mesh->SkeletalMesh;
	TMap< FName, UMorphTarget * > myMap = skelMesh->MorphTargetIndexMap;

	for (TPair< FName, UMorphTarget * > Entry : myMap) {

	return outputArray;
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Thank you for posting this, Arthur, this put me on the right track. But there is a mistake in your code. You incorrectly try to coerce skelMesh->MorphTargetIndexMap, which is of type TMap< FName, int32 > into TMap< FName, UMorphTarget* >, which results in a compile error.

Simply change TMap< FName, UMorphTarget*> to TMap< FName, int32 >.

(Also of note, you can use this in conjunction with mesh->GetMorphTarget(Entry.Key) or the GetMorphTarget blueprint node to create a name:weight map)

I know it’s been some time, but I am encountering the prolbem nowadays and maybe you can help me out.
It seems the above code isn’t working, what can be corrected so it works? trying to get a list of blendshapes out of character.

Hi @Deemk0, that’s really not enough information to go off of to help you. Please post a new question, include the code, and include the error message or misbehavior you are seeing.