How to get a programmer

Sorry but none of this makes any sense.
First of all UE4 doesn’t use peer to peer. It uses a centralized server that everyone connect to (this also include listen-servers) while peer to peer is a distributed server where everyone is basically a server.
If the game is co-op vs bots and you have 1-5 players then I would use a listen-server only but anything beyond that and you need a dedicated server.

What ue4 uses has nothing to do with anything.
You can make it use whatever system you want like every other engine in the history of engines.

A dedicated server is literally useless in 2021. It will only run up your bill and reach player cap and an atrocious lag over a single launch weekend.

Peer to peer isn’t limited that way, as anyone can be a “server”.
You can think of it as hosting a LAN party if you will.

Almost all games with servers are dead or barely making ends meet.

The other points from @Nawrot are true - a proper in game communication system would help most games.

However this is a shooter, so it’s not an mmorpg that needs this as a core feature since you want people to party up for raids and such…

Take rocket legue as simple example.
I believe that it works by instantiating a server instance on your machine if you launch a game, or letting you join someone else’s match…

You guys, aren’t you tired of shoot em up games.
Creating content where you just shoot a gun.

The future of gaming maybe contains less violence, gun stuff and more maybe interactive scene interaction, like a game where you learn to do stuff, i’ll give an example “Car Mecanic 2017”
It could be really anything.

I would make another Second Life, second life for me sucks, but the idea is good, with the linden and social interaction. But it’s built on Java platform, it’s crap, even the movement and interation seems sterile, and there is not enough quest in the game, like mix it with Star Citizen and get something crazy.

It’s crazy man, a 3D shooter done and done again and again. where you synapse on the gun trigger over and over again, let it go, it’s been done a 100000000 + infinite times. Like this era is suppose to bring in something new, more smart games I guess that capture your attention.


You gotta run at least 18km/h and make sure it didn’t see you coming…


A new Second Life, isn’t that the Metaverse with crypto and NFT’s combined?
The ability to create and sell things and then use that money in your real life is heavily underserved.
Whoever can garner a large community around “create what you want in game and use the money to either pay rent or fund your gaming experience,” might have great success.

That is garbge, they will control everything. It’s made to future spy on you.

— Facebook changed its name last week to Meta Platforms Inc to signal its focus on the metaverse, which it thinks will be the successor to the …blah blah blah, search for it.

You trust face book ?
This game will be really really sterile, with them tracking what you do in the game as they do on facebook, and they will have their sterile vitro tubular rules that you have to obey by and act as fake and sterile as you can, or get banned.

So something else has to get created like old style stuff where you roam around.
This bring memories of World of War Craft, not the violence, but the way you like traveled and interacted in that game, traveled to places and so on.

To truly get it done, possibly, but a better way is be the guy that is familiar and understands what is good and bad in each respective area of the game development. That way you can tell if anyone you hired to help you is doing it right or a bad job.

Not all programmers are lazy but generally all programmers are busy if they are good. It’s a skill set that is in high demand and if you are good you will be able to find work.

A good bit of the programmers here giving you advice are probably already tied up in projects and have work lined up for months out. So it’s not them being hill commanders to dictate how your game is built but more as people who have found the pitfalls of game development and are trying to warn you about them.

With that being said you always have to take it with a grain of salt. As the experience levels of the programmers vary, the scope and types of games they worked on also vary, it means their advice may not always apply to your game.

It’s true you can do single player games all blueprint and I think small scoped multiplayer games as well. But if you are going for any multiplayer over 10 people in a game, C++ replication with good stable networking is needed for the game to feel smooth, especially competitive games. This also means all art assets need to be optimized to get a good feel while having the lowest cost on the hardware.

Do not let anyone break your spirit, this is a rough field where breaking into it requires tons of studying, experience of trial and error, thick skin and the ability to stay motivated.

Also like everything in life people only want to work on things they know will succeed. That’s why everyone wants to see your progress over time, they want to see you are motivated and not giving up. If a programmer is only working on your project and its revenue share, they won’t get paid if the game doesn’t succeed. Which ideally most would want to join with less than a year left in development because they will have to support themselves that whole time.

If the programming work is paid. It’s a different story but the skill levels you get will be dependent on the pay. For example if I google “unreal engine C++ job remote” there are 60+ jobs all of varying difficulties with pay range of 55k-250k a year. Which any good programmer with experience and/or portfolio can get. That’s what you are competing against.

All in all it’s hard to get a good programmer without funding. However if you become a generalist that can identify good code and understand all the gameplay features you need with a rough idea on how difficult they are you can hire programmers for a one off job to create said system or feature. This is probably the cheapest pay route to build a game.

Otherwise with revenue share you are most likely going to get a hobbyist or an aspiring programmer trying to get better and build their portfolio.

Good luck and never give up.

Then create it. You never know how many people agree with you until you start making it and tell the internet about it.

I agree with you Sigma Games, Everything has a beggining, some place, at some time, with some people who want to build something out of inertia.

It’s fine, but first learn more and do later when ready.
We cannot built something without going over things, or it will turn out like an arcade game with limited you know possibilities, you can do that, you can do this, but it all seems mechanic like arcadish.

I’m far away from that, my programming skills are advanced at best no were near to expert or good near to very good.

This is my original idea, start something and then get others to join and make it an open project, but with some guide lines that I set as the original creator.

It is quite the opposite actually. Residential connections are so bad at being servers and needs to use an incredible amount of tunnel “hacks” in order to just function that you are lucky if you get an average online experience.
Launch weekends rarely go according to plan that is true but when the launch has passed things normally work out just fine where as with a residential connections you will constantly get issues because of poorly configured routers and all kinds of junk-ware running on the host.

Then start with paper, a pencil, a pencil sharpener and an eraser. Then turn these sketches and words into digital elements. Then program these digital elements into existence. Share these initial raw efforts with likeminded people and get them on board.

Well that is the idea, if you want people to join you, it will sort of become open project and you might have to set it free because you lack the funds to keep it private.

To keep things private you have to pay people.
No matter how good you are as I see it, you need a team of people to work o big projects.
Like good games have a team of 10 programers or so even more like GTA V.

So usually people who start something interesting end up making it an open project, or even more going futrher and making it open source. Open Project is descibed as more people come, but the community is sort of limited and there are strict guide lines, or some guide lines, and everyone gets a share at the end.

Open Source, it’s like everyone adds in there mostly anything they think, ideas and so on, so it deviates from the original idea and may become something else in the future.

People with money pay good other people who form a team and make big games, end of line, and have a nice income at the end. That is not open at all.

So it’s open project, open source and private gaming company, one of these 3

I wonder where Alpha fits in with one programmer to hire. :slightly_frowning_face:

Sounds like you know nothing about networking.
Maybe start with looking up the best thing you can get for peer to peer that is engine compatible, and find someone to do your network stuff first, being that is likely more important than the game itself…

My take on this - YOU need to make a proof of concept of the game with all the basic systems in place. Test EVERYTHING, make sure networking and systems work before you onboard others on the project.
Nobody wants to join a project without everything at least tested and set in stone.

I spent months preparing, testing, organising, integrating and verifying just for a fairly basic game. If you can’t even setup a basic demo of the game you shouldn’t bother asking others to join.

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It is because everybody advertises 500mb/sec connection 900mb/sec, and nobody tells you that is “downstream” ie from ISP to your nrouter. While “upstream” connections are always way less.

For normal gaming ie. you connect to server this is perfectly fine, but it goes into crapper when you start hosting.

So dedicated server with bandwith is way to go for more than 4 players.

How much bandwidth do you think peer 2 peer consumes exactly?
This discussion is becoming laughable rather quickly.

You can have a party of 100 on a locally hosted server and be just fine.
You can also have your net code automatically kick those below a ping threshold and be even better than fine.

Also, most people in the states have a decent upstream/downstream now. It’s not the 1980s where if you have 56kb you are lucky.

Nonetheless, most p2p things can run just fine off as little as 256kb when done properly.
It all depends on how things are done.

If you rely on a copy and paste to get your network system setup, then even a datacenter won’t help you…

Peer 2 Peer is largely worthless. The cost to deploy a AWS GameLift server is negligent, cents on the hour. The cost can easily be subsided by the purchase cost.
That said Peer to Peer should only be used for friend matches, otherwise either community Dedicated or AWS automated servers should be used instead.

Really hate games that don’t offer dedicated servers, they need to understand players might not have the correct network to host or such. People just want to play not deal with network issues.

Then you should probably opt for single-player games.

And I’m willing to be you have never actually had an issue with a game that was p2p but you didn’t realize it was p2p. There’s plenty out there.
Rock-star stuff is one of the major ones.

Since everyone is still replying , check out what I have done concerning my game

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Real professional.

“Then you should probably opt for single-player games.” I’m refering to host migration issues, not network issues. P2P still have a place but if people pay for a service, they should use dedicated servers instead.

The problem with P2P servers is lack of server authority, hackers are rampant. Not trying to start an arguement, but you’re fundimentally wrong if you believe P2P is reliable in this day.