Hey guys, How to get the base color parameter information from a static mesh, in blueprint?
From my understand, it should be like :
cube → Get Material → Get scalar parameter (with “Base Color” as name)
However, seems it is not so straight forward, after “Get Material”, I have no idea which node should be in next.
Sorry, no way I know of. You’ll find your cast is failing there…
Because it’s not dynamic, it hasn’t been assigned at runtime.
If you want to have various meshes around the level and at some point want to know what material / color they are, it’s much easier to make them a BP and use an integer parameter to denote the color.
Thanks for the answer !
However in my condition, the “cube” already have a material instance, and I am trying to find the way to get the color parameter from the exist material instance.
So maybe my question should be: how to get dynamic material instance from static mesh?
Here is the method I use: