How to generate videos with blueprints?

I know that the sequence recorder can generate videos, but that’s not what I want. I want to use blueprints to generate videos. Is there any way?

Hey @budumQ!

Could you give us a bit more detail about what specifically you are trying to accomplish? When you say “Generate Video”, are you referring you screen recording, cut scenes, something else? Are you trying to export this or keep it in game?

Any additional specifics you provide may go a long way in solving your problem!

I want to make an application, which is a dress-changing software. After the user changes clothes and chooses actions, he can click a button to generate a video to share with his friends.

Hey @budumQ,

So you want to take a character, change the outfit and have it play predetermined animations, then record and save the video of the character performing the actions is that correct? There are a number of ways to do this ranging from in Engine options to plugins on the Marketplace. Check out this forum thread that just lists a few of your options: