How to fix transparency motion blur issue?

Hi, I’m having some issues with my transparent material.

As shown in this video, moving the camera in viewport looks pretty normal. When I play in PIE you can see weird motion blur effects on the transparent material, especially with the extended wing paint.

I have looked on the internet and people suggested switching “Translucency Pass” to render after motion blur, this solved my problem but now there are these white glitches near the edge of my transparent mesh as shown in this video:

How do I get it to work like how it looks in the viewport? So no motion blur when I play in PIE and no white glitches

Hi all, same problem “…glitches near the edge of my transparent mesh…”
How resolve this?

Change “Output depth and velocity” to true in material. Work ideal for me in UE5.3 for translucent material, when motion blur is enabled in project settings.

Has anyone found a solution for this? :smiling_face_with_tear:

See if it looks better if you change your Screen Percentage. It could be due to anti aliasing.

Just found this solution: Set “Translucency Pass” to “After Motion Blur” in the Material Details.

Enabling the depth and velocity pass in the material helps tremendously.

Hey, I’ve been having the same problem, and changing the Translucency pass to after motion blur helped a lot in getting rid of the gross motion blur ghosting.

However, I have an actor that has both masked and translucent sprites in it, stacked in 3d space so that the translucent sprite can rotate around and behind the masked ones. But now, the translucent sprite is always rendered on top of the masked ones, even if they aren’t on top in 3d space.

Is there any way to get these same results but allow the stacking to stay correct? Or is it a choice between bad ghosting or correct stacking?

Here’s a post I made that covers a lot of the options and their pros and cons