I have this problem on the client when connecting to a dedicated server
[2025.02.21-08.14.17:785][118]LogNetPackageMap: Warning: GetObjectFromNetGUID: Network checksum mismatch. FullNetGUIDPath: [7]/Game/Game/Maps/GamePlay/Arena01/L_Arena01.[5]L_Arena01.[3]PersistentLevel.[191]BP_RedDroid_C_1, 124483537, 159126252
[2025.02.21-08.14.17:787][118]LogNetPackageMap: Error: GetObjectFromNetGUID: Outer is broken. FullNetGUIDPath: [7]/Game/Game/Maps/GamePlay/Arena01/L_Arena01.[5]L_Arena01.[3]PersistentLevel.[191]BP_RedDroid_C_1.[193]CharMoveComp
[2025.02.21-08.14.17:788][118]LogNetPackageMap: Error: GetObjectFromNetGUID: Outer is broken. FullNetGUIDPath: [7]/Game/Game/Maps/GamePlay/Arena01/L_Arena01.[5]L_Arena01.[3]PersistentLevel.[191]BP_RedDroid_C_1.[195]TheTeam
[2025.02.21-08.14.17:788][118]LogNetPackageMap: Error: GetObjectFromNetGUID: Outer is broken. FullNetGUIDPath: [7]/Game/Game/Maps/GamePlay/Arena01/L_Arena01.[5]L_Arena01.[3]PersistentLevel.[191]BP_RedDroid_C_1.[197]TheHealth
[2025.02.21-08.14.17:794][118]LogNet: Warning: UActorChannel::ProcessBunch: SerializeNewActor failed to find/spawn actor. Actor: None, Channel: 53
[2025.02.21-08.14.17:794][118]LogNet: Error: UEngine::BroadcastNetworkFailure: FailureType = NetChecksumMismatch, ErrorString = GetObjectFromNetGUID: Network checksum mismatch. FullNetGUIDPath: [7]/Game/Game/Maps/GamePlay/Arena01/L_Arena01.[5]L_Arena01.[3]PersistentLevel.[165]BP_BlueDroid_C_1, 124483537, 159126252, Driver = Name:GameNetDriver Def:GameNetDriver IpNetDriver_0
[2025.02.21-08.14.17:795][118]LogNet: Warning: Network Failure: GameNetDriver[NetChecksumMismatch]: GetObjectFromNetGUID: Network checksum mismatch. FullNetGUIDPath: [7]/Game/Game/Maps/GamePlay/Arena01/L_Arena01.[5]L_Arena01.[3]PersistentLevel.[165]BP_BlueDroid_C_1, 124483537, 15912625
I tried these things:
1-Rename the actor components (it didn’t work)
2-Reparent the actor in a new blueprint (it didn’t work)
3-Delete the actors from the level and put them back in (it didn’t work)
4-Delete the Save, Intermediate, and Binaries folders (it didn’t work)
5-I think the two compilations are identical.(Server and client). I actually made a .bat to make sure I compiled both things with the same changes (it didn’t work)
Something like this:
@echo off
cd %~dp0
::Editor First
call CompileClientEditor.bat
::Then Server
call CompileServer.bat
-CompileClientEditor.bat → Compiles the Editor version (does not cook or package)
-CompileServer.bat → Compiles the Server version (does cook but does not package)
I do it this way because I want to avoid cooking the client because it takes between 40 minutes and an hour. There is not way to work with that.
Is there any way to make it work?
Is it mandatory to cook the client?
if so… is there any way to skip the check so it don’t need to be cooked?
Thank you so much!!