How to fix the character not rotating on another client?

In a third person template, I have this:

//User Mouse Turn Right/Left
void AMyCharacter::MouseTurn(float Value)
	if (Value != 0.f)

When I start the game with 2 players , the character I am currently possess is not rotating on the other second player window.

I found a bug in my tick causing this issue.
I am calling this in the tick:

void AMyCharacter::SetActorRealTimeRotation()
		SetActorRotation(FRotator(0, GetControlRotation().Yaw,  0));

Commenting this function, the character rotates fine on server and to all clients.
What I am doing not right, please correct me.

How I am calling this in the tick:
void AMyCharacter::Tick(float DeltaTime)


	if (!_bAltPressed) //Tick to call sync the character in real time

Where/Why and how the _bAltPressed is processed?
I used it to activate a free camera rotation without effecting the character rotation while the _bAltPressed is valid.

void AMyCharacter::FreeLookPressed() //Alt Pressed
	_bAltPressed = true;
	AltPressedRotation = SpringArm->GetTargetRotation();
	GetCharacterMovement()->bUseControllerDesiredRotation = false; //false
	GetCharacterMovement()->bOrientRotationToMovement = true; //true

So! if the tick is checking if the !_bAltPressed , restore and player rotation at world space where the rotation was started.

More Details added related to the founded bug.