I feel like this problem is not noticeable on mannequin, because the shoulder-body connection on it is sorta separated (Hard-skinned?) like robot arms. But it’s noticeable on more ‘fleshy’ characters, which need smoothed skinning but high rotation values result in this “candy wrap” effect.
Usually you would need additional bones with CorrectivePoses (PoseAsset with set of poses for all directions, or morphs) that fix shoulder shape depending on pose of the upper_arm or shoulder. Worth checking out UE5 ContentExamples project or metahumans as they have pretty good setup there.
On a related note, if you have working rig with correctives in your DCC you may want to look into ML Deformer. It’s quite amazing.
@MostHost_LA, author refused the issue is in animation, he requested me to ask Epic to fix paragon character instead, lol.
If possible, could you give me some hint/reference that can fix the problem, please?
Bake positions from the ue4 animation to the rig.
Then delete and adjust frames manually.
The extra shoulder control from the rig should help to fix the anatomy as well. Its a bit of a process to clean it up. Obviously.
Just use a different starting animation pack.
I think the free set from mocap online has a peoperly made/rigged overhead swing. For instance.
Since you have 2 bones that are completely bad, and another 2 (the shoulder rotations) that are also in need of adjustments regardless, starting somwhwre else could mean less work.
Report the animation pack to marketplace support. Link them to this topic.
I don’t intend to request a refund due to it has passed about 2 months. But you are right, I should report to EPIC in order to force developer to fix the issue.