How to fix that once I look away my lumen object just stop casting light, theres gotta be a way, right?

I’ve been searching for a solution for like 3 months and nothing, I really need help, When i look away from my object that has an emissive material it disappears, on build in objects like cubes, spheres, it worked but on my imported object it wont work

Hey there @Mr.SEAL15! Lumen is able to do full Global Illumination(GI), but if the object is misconfigured somehow it may fallback to screen space only.

Changing to detail mode in your settings may help at the cost of performance:

I would recommend checking the Lumen visualization:

If your objects are black like these (this example is because they are far away but if they are black up close in the visualizer there is a problem, possibly with your imported mesh not having mesh distance fields enabled):

Sources for some of the information gathered here:

Thank you so much, I will try this :pray:

The problem was so simple to solve, my object had glass in front of the emissive material so it detected like its hidden

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