I have created an endless runner game using the tutorial on Youtube, and the default third person character works fine, but after changing the mesh and the animation blueprint to Mixamo Adam, the character’s running animation appears blurry. The arms appear especially blurry. How can this be resolved?
You might need to change Motion Blur values of your Global Post Process. Reduce them to 0 if you dont want blur.
Thanks for the answer. I’ve looked into reducing motion blur but there is no global post process actor in my level. Do I have to create a post process volume and place it into my level to edit the motion blur?
Exactly. Just add a Post Process into your scene, from its properties tick “Global” and reduce the amount of Motion Blur in it.
Also if I dont remember wrong, you can toggle Motion Blur completely off and on from Project Settings → Rendering menu.
I’ve tried doing both things you suggested but have had no luck. I also found a skeletal mesh property called “per bone motion blur” that I unticked. Still no luck. When my character moves, an outline of where he was still exists for a short amount of time. Could this be caused by something other than motion blur?
Just figured out a solution. Changing the ant-aliasing from temporalAA to FXAA or none rmoved the blur. However the rest of the game does not look as nice. Is there a way to apply a certain kind of anti aliasing to only one object?
Can you actually show a screen shot so we can see what kind of motion blur it is? I may not be able to help, but someone who is better at rendering surely can.
This is the difference between fxaa and temporalAA. Both have motion blur disabled in project settings. Thanks for all the help.
To change the AA on one actor, create a post process volume within the blue print and set the AA to whatever you want.