actually after packaging and building my project in ue 5 and after I play it in my windows it goes smoothly but as I pressed the camera icon to take screenshot it shows.
how to solve this???
actually after packaging and building my project in ue 5 and after I play it in my windows it goes smoothly but as I pressed the camera icon to take screenshot it shows.
Hey @GreeyaJini!
Do you have any statistics running like FPS? If so, there may be a workaround to your problem. Check out this forum thread where an issue with screenshot crashing was solved by disabling console commands like displaying fps:
If that does not work, are there any logs you can provide?
there is a console command to stop displaying all screen messages in the level blueprint.
I’ve tried to do so but it doesn’t work. Any other solution for this??
here is the blueprint I used for the real-time screenshot it works when I play the project in unreal but after packaging it for windows it keeps showing me that error…
Hi, same problem here. Do you solve it ? Thanks
umm not get a better solutioin so i decided to take the screenshot with console command of HighResShot… and it solved but I didn’t know why the error was showing when I was running the code to take the screenshot…? …
why are u facing the problem?
I couldn’t find the problem. How did you solve the problem? Can you explain in detail?