How to fix exponential mist height display.

Good day. Please tell me how to solve such a problem with displaying fog in a scene in Unreal Engine 5.
In the project settings, go to the Engine Scalability Settings tab.
With the quality set to Medium, exponential high fog is displayed and you can adjust the amount of fog spawning from the camera. And when Epic resolves, the fog becomes very dense and there is no border for the fog to spawn from the camera. No matter what start distance values ​​I enter, there is no result.
If you have the opportunity and time, then please explain what my mistake is.
Or maybe it’s just a bug in Enreal Engine 5… If so, what would you advise in this case?!
Thank you very much for your time)

  1. The resolution of the medium settings and the offset of the fog and the distance from the camera at which it spawns is visible.
  2. Resolution epic. The fog settings are the same, but it still becomes very dense.
    Please tell me how to set it up so that even with epic settings it would be possible to adjust the fog spawn from the camera.
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    Thank you in advance for your help ))