How to extract Vertex Data from ARTracked Geometry?

I’m currently working on an Hololens2 application in Unreal Engine 4.27 where I’m trying to extract the Vertex Data from Meshes generated by Spatial Mapping. I managed to visualize the generated Meshes to check if they are correctly generated (which they are). Now I’m trying to extract the Vertex Data from these UMRMeshComponents, but nothing I’ve tried so far seemed to work.
I tried using the GetPhysicsTriMeshData function to retrieve the Mesh Collision Data, which was unabled to populate the FTriMeshCollisionData struct passed in.
My next attempt was to bind a delegate to the OnBrickDataUpdated Event to get the new Mesh Data when the Mesh is updated, but the delegate was never executed.
At the moment I don’t know what else I could try. Does anyone have an idea how to solve the problem?
Thank you in advance.

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