How to export morph targets from blender to UE4

In blender I set a shape key and it works well.


After I export it from blender as FBX and import into UE4, I can see morph targets in the mesh.


But when I change the value the mesh doesn’t change.

Here is my export and import setting, can someone help me where is wrong?

Thanks for the reply. I tried the FBX 7.4 binary but still has no change. And I’m sorry that can you tell me where to set the smoothing to face?

Try version: FBX 7.4 binary

Also set the smoothing to face if you want to get rid of the warning of ue4. Let me know if it’s working.

Yeah, I just consulted this video and did this. It still doesn’t work and I don’t know where is different between mine and his.

When you export to FBX from Blender, can you try to check the Animation option under Mesh? And select Face for the Smoothing option so you don’t get the warning mentioned above.

The Animation option and Smoothing option are only effective at FBX6.1 ASCII mode. Though I checked Animation option and setted the smoothing to face, it still didn’t move in UE4.

I have no idea what you are doing wrong but I just tried the whole workflow and works properly for me. Blender 2.79 and UE4 4.18.2.

In Blender

  • Add a cube
  • Add a Shape Key for the cube. That will be the Basis shape key.
  • Edit the cube and turn it into a pyramid.
  • Add another Shape Key and call it Morph.
  • Export as FBX 7.4 binary with standard options (just changed Smoothing to Face under Geometries to avoid the usual Warning)

In UE4

  • Import the FBX file
  • Since we didn’t add an UV Map UE will add an auto-generated one, but that doesn’t make any difference for the morph target
  • In the Import dialog, check Skeletal Mesh and check Import Morph Targets

After import, open the Morph Target mesh and change the slider. It shows the morph target animation.


Have a look at this tutorial: Unreal engine 4 tutorial: How to use Morph targets from Blender - YouTube
It explains how to do what you are asking.

Thank you very much, the same FBX exported from blender works well in UE4.18.2 but still not work in 4.17.2. It seems that it’s a bug in 4.17.

Have you tried in a more recent UE4 version since that ? Can’t seem to get morph targets in 4.20.

Anyone having a problem with Blender/UE4 morph targets export, make sure to disable “apply modifiers” in the Blender FBX export; since modifiers can’t be applied to meshes with shape keys, it seems to block the shape keys export.


Still not working in 4.22…

During export make sure to disable “Apply modifiers”. It will not export blend shapes if you don’t (let the mouse hover over the option for a second and the tooltip will tell you that). I just tried and the morph target works great.

I have seen my share of problems with this. One thing that can happen is that the ‘shape keys’ apply to one mesh, but there is actually more meshes - this can happen when you import from Makehuman, and you won’t know until you import the FBX. (The solution is to parent the meshes, for MH there is an option to “blend” the meshes when you import from the MH format, in blender).

I have no idea what the problem is, and I haven’t read most of the thread, but that workflow got my spring effect working really nicely!! Thank you so much for sharing it, and I hope someone (like I said, I haven’t read the thread) was/will be able to help you!

I’ve issue when exporting Blender 3.6 to UE 4.25, the morph doesn’t showed up.

to fix it on Blender Export window disable Triangulate Face & Apply Modifiers, disabling those 2 fixed my issue

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