(technically I am not using 4.26-preview but there is no simple 4.26 option)
I have managed to configure an AWS CentOS7 instance with teradici to start UE4.26 Editor (compiled from scratch, nvidia drivers etc.). When I start the editor I see a line:
[2020.12.16-02.43.15:826][ 0]LogRendererCore: Ray tracing is disabled. Reason: not supported by current RHI.
I am getting the intended nvidia driver (450.80.02) and vulkan is present and working. The Editor seems to start normally and I seem to be able to configure ray tracing effects.
Should I be able to use Ray Tracing on Linux with Vulkan? If not, is there some change I can make to make this work (a different nvidia driver or something)? Google search suggests this may not work yet but I can not find any clear statement on whether this should work.
I appear to be able to configure ray tracing in the UI but cannot be sure whether it is really there or not. I will surely find out later but I would like to understand the warning sooner rather than later.
Unfortunately, as of the time of this writing (2020-12-15) there’s no support for Vulkan raytracing in Unreal’s VulkanRHI (where RHI is an unrealism meaning “rendering hardware interface”, so the log message is referring to the internal code and not external). There’s no simple change that could make it work.
I realize it’s not the answer you wanted to hear, but I wanted to resolve the confusion. UI parts you’re referring to are probably not properly disabled on the platform.