How to enable Chaos

, Can you please help with enabling Chaos in 4.25? It seems a lot of people are facing issues but no one is responding from Epic’s side

Just follow the documentation steps, enabling Chaos is very easy. :wink:
The problem is the demo.

I still has problems to run ChaosDestructionDemo, does that have a way to work?
my steps are
1, download the unreal engine from github, branch 4.25.0-release
2, follow the guide, modify UE4Editor.Target.cs and build UE4 with Chaos,…iew/index.html
3, download ChaosDestructionDemo project and generate sln file with 4.25 engine
4, build and run, the problem happened with below

LogInit: Display: Running incorrect executable for target. Launching Unreal Projects/ChaosDestructionDemo/Binaries/Win64/ChaosDestructionDemoEditor.exe...
LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: EngineExit() was called)
LogExit: Preparing to exit.

My UE4Editor.Target.cs looks like below

public UE4EditorTarget( TargetInfo Target ) : base(Target)
Type = TargetType.Editor;
BuildEnvironment = TargetBuildEnvironment.Unique;
bBuildAllModules = true;
bCompileChaos = true;
bUseChaos = true;
bOverrideBuildEnvironment = true;

I also tried to change BuildEnvironment = TargetBuildEnvironment.Shard, but this will make ChaosDestructionDemo as a zombie process.

GitHub link appears to be dead, at least on my end.

Your GitHub is not linked with your Unreal Engine account
try this:…ine/index.html

I just got Chaos working on UE4.25.
The from github did not work for me (shader errors, LogMrMesh declared twice errors, etcs), I use git clone to get the most recent version.
This is my UE4Editor.Target.cs that build successfully:

// Copyright Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
using UnrealBuildTool;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class UE4EditorTarget : TargetRules
public UE4EditorTarget( TargetInfo Target ) : base(Target)
Type = TargetType.Editor;
//BuildEnvironment = TargetBuildEnvironment.Unique;
BuildEnvironment = TargetBuildEnvironment.Shared;
bBuildAllModules = true;
bCompileChaos = true;
bUseChaos = true;
bOverrideBuildEnvironment = true;

To run the Demo:
With the UE425+Chaos editor working, build a Blank Project and then copy the ChaosDestructionDemo423\Content folder to this new project Blank\Content folder, this is the easier way (that I found) to run the Demo without problems.

Update: It’s working on 4.25.1 too.

Using 4.25.1 from the launcher. Noticed under physics their is GC. Did it and it works. No fracture in modes??? In the compiled version the fracture is there.

I don’t think Chaos is active in the binary yet, you need the source from Git.

Just tried all the steps above for ue4 4.24.3 and 4.25.1 both times the chaos demo fails, it won’t let me enter the last part with the building says something about a cache, tried removing the barrier but nothing happens to the second building. Can someone just post a video. My specs are a gtx 1060 6gb i7 16gb ram.

I successfully built 4.25.1 and the plugin is “working”. The problem is that even a small box fractured in 20 pieces literally destroy fps to near 5-10 until the box is completely broken, plus, even other objects are completely bugged and start moving on the floor with no reason at all as if they were pieces of ice on a floor completely covered in oil. This was supposed to be a significant improvement from previous version and it ended up being a tremendous joke considerning that all this crazy things wasn’t happening with 4.24. And they call it “High performance physics”. My willing to learn this engine is decreasing with each release.

Man can you even see how bad and unacceptable the performance are about that? That crazy fps drop wasn’t there in the previous version. This is insane, I even suppose that depending on your pc and the number of chunks the engine would crash…

Has Epic said anything about releasing more content using Chaos? While the example demo is nice, it only really shows how things are built, and too few example of actual interactive objects, besides a column and a building.

Is there any content that Epic is working on to be released (what about that demo with the robots destroying the city?), or anything by the community to dissect?

It would be great to have the project with the robots. Epic how about it.

I will legit pay someone for me to zip up the build engine along with a working chaos demo !

I have a rar file. 30,567,281,383 It is chaos 4.25. Did this movie with it. Do you have a place that is big enough to take it? I don’t want any money.

google drive ? Maybe split it up in rar parts. I think this would hugely help the community!

And is the chaos demo working specifically the second map with the two big buildings??

I didn’t try either of the 2 big buildings. I did break the 30 gb file into 4 pieces 3 10gb and one 2gb.

I was able to get the demo running, by copying the files into a new empty project created by the compiled editor like @DarknessFX wrote.

Compiling the Editor works for me by adding at least the following two lines to the UE4Editor.Target.cs. In my “demo” test build I added all the lines from DarknessFX post #446.

bCompileChaos = true;
bUseChaos = true;

Tested with 4.25/4.25.1 in VS17 and VS19.

PS I have the same performance and moving obejcts problems stated by @BaronS_88

The first building worked for me, the second is marked as “Out of Order - The ‘Cached Simulation’ feature is currently being refactored.”".

I’m having the exact same issue I hope the professors build source has those problems fixed. Because I have tried building from source too, and ended up with the same issues.