Is it still possible to dynamically edit Post Process Settings in blueprints? You used to be able to expose certain properties by clicking on check boxes, but that doesn’t seem to work anymore. I can’t change any of my post-process variables beyond their default values. (I’m trying to change the Depth of Field: Focal Distance variable according to a timeline, for instance).
But how can you get them to display to the user? If you want to make a menu item to modify the bloom level for example, they’d need to know what the current bloom level is. Equally you can’t really get these values either.
oh wow… I totally spaced on that. Every other struct I’ve used always has all the pins available by default. Is it just because this has so many pins that they somehow hide it?
I understand how a material parameter collection works, I don’t understand how you’re having a post process volume pull anything from it. It’s not a material.