I have installed UE 4.13 on Ubuntu 16.04. The documentation was very good for the installation process and i had no problem. But as soon as i start to code up my own animation in C++, i can only lay my hands on C++ coding tutorials with Microsoft Visal studio. Unofficially others have expeirmented and posted their expericnes with C++ coding in UE outisde of Visual studio but they are very varied accounts and some are obviously out-dated. So i had a lot of difficulty just editing some C++ code and building it. I am sure if the Unreal team has gone to so much trobule as to build native files for linux, they must have something in mind as to which code editing and building platoform to use in ubuntu. I am okay with using a text editor for writing codes and cmake for building them. But a stepwise tutorial for the same by the offical guys would be helful really! But i was surprised to face a lot of difficulties getting acccess to any official report on what the Unreal team wants one to do to start C++ coding in Ubuntu. Please advise or give some link to a website where linux users are addressed.
you can use UnrealBuildTool.exe to build:
mono “/mnt/sda2/game_UnrealEngine/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe” MMOGame Debug Linux -project=“/root/Unreal Projects/MMOGame/MMOGame.uproject” -editorrecompile -progress -noubtmakefiles
I run this on the project’s path for ue4.26.2:
/MyDevRoot/Tools/UE4/UnrealEngine/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Linux/RunMono.sh /MyDevRoot/Tools/UE4/UnrealEngine/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe Development Linux -Project=“pwd
/find -iname "*.uproject"
” -TargetType=Editor -Progress -NoHotReloadFromIDE
But the running UE4Editor ignores the changed file ex.: libUE4Editor-ShooterGame.so
I think I have to restart UE4Editor? I will ask this as question.